EuroMov, centre européen de recherche sur le mouvement humain +33 434 432 630 EuroMov est un centre de l'Université de Montpellier Université de Montpellier

Site web historique du centre de recherche EuroMov de 2012 à 2020.

Le site Web de l'actuelle unité mixte de recherche EuroMov Digital Health in Motion est disponible sur

BeatHealth: Health and Wellness on the Beat
PI EuroMov: Benoît Bardy

There is a tight link between the rhythm of external information (e.g., auditory) and movement. It can be seen when we spontaneously or deliberately move on the beat of music (e.g., in dance), or when we enjoy performing physical and sport activities (e.g., running or cycling) together with music. This propensity to match movement to rhythm is natural, develops very precociously, and is likely hard-wired in humans, as shown by cognitive sciences and neurosciences. In BeatHealth, we exploit this compelling link between music and movement for boosting individual performance and enhancing health and wellness. This goal is achieved by creating an intelligent technological architecture – BeatHealth. Our architecture delivers embodied, flexible, and efficient rhythmical stimulation adapted to the individual’s skills with the goal of enhancing or recovering features of movement performance (i.e., kinematics and physiological performance).

Grant FP7-CP #610633
Coordinator: Pr. Benoît Bardy, Université de Montpellier



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Posté le

24 février 2015