EuroMov, European Research Center on Human Movement +33 434 432 630 EuroMov is a research centre of Université de Montpellier Université de Montpellier

Historical website of the EuroMov research center from 2012 to 2020.

The website of the current EuroMov Digital Health in Motion joint research unit is available at .

A dense academic start for EuroMov

The estival period is about to end and the EuroMov team is already in its starting blocks to prepare the new academic year ! 2105-2016 will be dense and rich, with the official launch of several new collaborative projects (e.g., ANR  Exo-Mode, EuroMov partner, IKKY Airbus CoSenses, EuroMov partner), the forthcoming arrival of new startups and new researchers (shhhh!), the organisation of the 30th congres on Physical Medecine & Rehabilitation in October (SOFMER 2015), the welcoming of our new master, doctoral and post-doctoral students, long-term visitors, and many other activities that we will progressively detail.

All the best for the new academic year !