EuroMov, European Research Center on Human Movement +33 434 432 630 EuroMov is a research centre of Université de Montpellier Université de Montpellier

Historical website of the EuroMov research center from 2012 to 2020.

The website of the current EuroMov Digital Health in Motion joint research unit is available at .

Naima Bangarda joints the EuroMov team


Initially trained in AES (Administration, Economics, Social), Naima Bangarda owns a master in International Management of Territories and Enterprises. After a period at the Charles Coulomb Laboratory in Montpellier (L2C) as a administrative and financial manager, Naima today joints the EuroMov staff on the same mission, in close cooperation with our scientists. In addition, she reinforces the Communication team of the centre, in contact with our numerous partners worldwide. Maybe because she loves to travel!

Welcome to EuroMov, Naima 🙂