EuroMov, European Research Center on Human Movement +33 434 432 630 EuroMov is a research centre of Université de Montpellier Université de Montpellier

Historical website of the EuroMov research center from 2012 to 2020.

The website of the current EuroMov Digital Health in Motion joint research unit is available at .

The 18th conference of the French University Institute (IUF)

The 18th conference of the  French University Institute (Institut Universitaire de France, IUF) is being held in Montpellier, May 18-20, 2015. Jointly organized by the University of Montpellier, the Paul Valéry – Montpellier, and ENSCM (Ecole National Supérieure de Chimie de Montpellier), this conference offers a unique opportunity to IUF scientists of all disciplines to meet and exchange on a specific topic of mutual interest. The topic selected for the 2015 meeting is THE RHYTHM.

All information can be consulted (in french and in english) on the conference web site. Program and flyers can also be downloaded.

The organizing committee:

Isabelle Augé (Université Paul Valéry)
Benoît Bardy (Université de Montpellier) – EuroMov member
Simone Dalla-Bella (Université de Montpellier) – EuroMov member
Pascale Idoux (Université de Montpellier)
Walter Kob (Université de Montpellier)
Guillaume Maurin (Université de Montpellier)
Doyle McKey (Université de Montpellier)
Bénédicte Louvat-Molozay (Université Paul Valéry)
Nicolas Nègre (Université de Montpellier)
Jamal Tazi (Université de Montpellier)
Marc Willinger (Université de Montpellier)